Baby Loss Awareness Week - Memories from brothers and sisters
One group of people that don't always get thought of when discussing baby loss are the brothers and sisters. John and Abbie Wilford's have written some lovely words about the loss of their brother Danny. A massive thank you to John an Abbie for sharing them with us.
Archie, 14
I was 6 and a half when Danny was born. I remember coming home from school and I walked into the lounge and Mum was sat on the sofa holding him. It was pancake day and Grandma and Grandpa were at our house too. Danny lay in his cot in the evening and we took it in turns to hold and cuddle him.
I remember being incredibly upset the morning I found out Danny had died. Our way of remembering Danny is using a dragonfly to symbolize him. We joined Sands and take part in ways to remember him and make money for charity. I have cheered Mum and Dad on at the Bristol 10k a few times!
Since Danny passed away, I was fortunate enough to have another baby brother. Even though I now have Freddie he will never replace Danny.
Gwen 10
I Wish
From the day you left the Earth,
There are just a few things I want to say…
I wish you were still here,
Because you were not here for very long,
I wish I could hear you cry
Or still hold you near.
I wish I could hear your first ever word.
I wish I could spend a Christmas with you,
As I never did.
But all of this does not matter,
You never left me,
You are still in my heart.
Freddie 6
Danny was my big brother. Something was wrong with his heart and he died so I did not meet him. He was born a year before me; both our birthdays are in February. When I think of him, I think of a shining star to guide me through life. At school we wrote about a special book. I wrote about our ‘Danny’ book. Because I never saw him this book makes me feel close to him.